Androshchuk Iryna
Far-left political parties, their origin, ideological positioning and place in the Czech Republic’s party system (1990–2015): the case of the communist party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM).

Magdalena Białobłocka
Towards filling the phenomenon and the term “political logistics” with the theoretical and empirical content.

Białobłocki Zbigniew
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of modern political systems as an indicator of comparative analysis of governments in Eastern European countries.

Bohatyrets Valentyna
Canada’s brand of multiculturalism as a way of molding its image on the world arena.

Vira Burdiak
Polish factor in formation and elaboration of the European Union’s policy in regard to Ukraine.

Ірина Бутирська
Нові підходи до розвиткусоціальної політики в сучасній Угорщині.

Tetiana Fedorchak
Eu membership as a factor for harmonization of ethnic relations within the Countries of Union.

Олеся Ярошко
Security Studies on Ukrainian International Issues.

Lytvyn Vitaliy
Governments of national unity in the context of coalition majority governments: conceptualization, cases, political causes and consequences by the example of European democracies.

Manailo-Prikhodko Renata
Parliamentary elections 2014 in Ukraine: national and regional dimension.

Aneta Moszczyńska
Features, political, economic and administrative instruments and effects of overcoming financial crisis in the Visegrad Countries.

Svetlana Naumkina
Development of regional collaboration in a format «Poland – Romania – Ukraine» as a condition of collective security.

Panchak-Białobłocka Nadia
Political, institutional and legal determinants, essence, features and peculiarities of minority government in parliamentary democracies.

Inna Pronoza
Factors influencing the formation of the strategic position of the EU on Russian-Ukrainian problem.

Adam Rogala-Lewicki
Usytuowanie funkcjonalne służb specjalnych w systemie politycznym państwa na przykładzie Polski.

Romanyuk Anatoliy
Media Parties in Ukraine: a Phenomenon or an Isolated Incident.

Svitlana Rostetska
The influence regional and local identity in the European political process.

Sergiy Skryl
Party building in the states of Central and East Europe at the end of ХХ – to the beginning of ХХI century.

Olja Sviderska
Psychological determinants of mass political behaviour in Ukraine (on the basic Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014 years).

Travlos Tetyana
The politological theory studies the phenomenon of «revolution»: a comparative analysis.

Lesya Uhryn
Integration as a factor in the transformation of identity in Ukraine.


Magdalena Bewicz
Presidential election 2015 on emigration. Quantitative analysis as a method of presenting the actual state.

Magdalena Białobłocka
Technocratic governance and democracy: key contradictions, their consequences and ways to overcome.

Sławomira Białobłocka
Innovation Policy Of Social And Economic Development: Essence And Structuring.

Krzysztof Białobłocki
Anti-immigrant far-right parties in the Visegrad countries: representation, political success and ideological positioning.

Tomasz Białobłocki
The identity of Ukrainians and Russians at the background of ethnic relations in the independent Ukraine (1991–2017).

Białobłocki Zbigniew
Comparative analysis of political regimes in Eastern European Countries: correlation of hybrid and authoritarian political practices (1991-2016).

Białobłocki Zbigniew
Towards systematizing and updating the definition and indicators for measuring the stability of governments: theoretical and methodological cut.

Vira Burdiak
Transformation of the Republic of Bulgaria and politicization of the society’s ethnic awareness.

Iryna Butуrskaya
Social-political and social-economic transformation of the Slovak Republic.

Anna Czajka
The Background of Ethnic Conflicts in the European Union based on the example of Great Britain, Spain and France.

Tetiana Fedorchak
Political parties of the Czech Republic on the way to consolidated democracy.

Ivan Harat, Petro Kralyuk
Vitaliy Dubenskyi — The Hesychast-Poet.

Kolcov Vitaliy
Dissident movement as a historical prototype of political opposition: generalization based on the analysis of “real socialism” regimes in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

Tamara Kozak
The Role of English as the Means of International Communication for the Development of World Market.

Maryan Lopata
Stability and efficiency of coalition governments in Poland and Czech Republic: comparative analysis.

Vitaliy Lytvyn
Isolation and taxonomy of semi-presidentialism with nominal presidents in central and Eastern European Countries of the eu: as exemplified by Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Aneta Moszczyńska
The “dilemma of simultaneity” as a conceptual predictor of post-communist countries of Europe modernization’s logistics: theoretical and methodological cut.

Nadia Panchak-Białobłocka
Patterns of minority governments’ stability in European parliamentary democracies.

Anatoliy Romaniuk
Evolution of Ukrainian citizens’ attitude towards the USSR and Russia in the context of the annexation of the Crimea and warfare in Donbas over the years 2014-2017.

Lubomir Skochylias
Legal and political evolution of the institution of president in Ukraine: from Kravchuk to Poroshenko.

Lyubomyr Skochylyas, Jurij Hajduk
Rewolucja pomarańczowa na Ukrainie, dżinsowa rewolucja na Białorusi: powody zwycięstwa pierwszej i upadku ostatniej.

Vladyslav Varinski
Public structures as effective mechanism of forming of social capital in democratic countries.