
Ірина Чміль
Peculiarities of social movements’ transformation into political parties (at the example of Czech Republic and Slovakia).

Iryna Butyrska
Theoretical and Methodological Grounds for Research on Political Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Sławomira Białobłocka
Social dimensions of programs and activities and electoral success of christian democratic parties in central and eastern europe (1990–2014).

Białobłocki Тomasz
Technocratic governance and modernization: theoretical principles and empirical experience of relationship.

Zbigniew Białobłocki
Ідеологічна складова діяльності урядових кабінетів у Країнах Східної Європи (1991–2014).

Світлана Була, Оксана Шурко
Вплив локальної демократії на формування консолідованої демократії.

Zakhar Chornyak
The Influence of Social Factors on the Electoral Success of the Labour Party of the United Kingdom in the late XX century.

Tetiana Fedorchak
Methodological Bases for Research on Internal and External Dimensions of Political Transformation of the CEE Countries.

Tomasz Hoffmann
Bezpieczeństwo społeczności lokalnych – wybrane zagadnienia zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego.

Vitaliy Lytvyn
Types of cabinets and cabinet stability in Central and Eastern European parliamentary democracies (1990–2013).

Ivan Osadtsa
The issue of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Bulgaria in program of bolgarian parliamentary parties.

Nadija Panczak-Białobłocka
Minority cabinets in european systems of positive parliamentarism: features and causes of formation, principles of functioning and stability.

Nadija Panczak-Białobłocka
Minority governments in the systems of positive and negative parliamentarism: emphasis on the features of european systems of negative parliamentarism.

Kazimierz Pierzchała
Faith and religious practices as a form of human longing for the permanence.

Adam Rogala-Lewicki
Transparency and public information policy in Norway – a model to follow for Central-Eastern European states.

Anatolii Romaniuk
Formation and Evaluation of Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine.


Androschuk Irina
The Revolution of Dignity as a new wave of “Velvet” socio-political rebellion

Anton Avksentiev
Electoral-spatial analysis of party configuration (on the material of parliamentary elections 1998-2014 in Ukraine).

Białobłocka Magdalena
Political and institutional patterns of technocratic governance in non-democratic regimes: general theoretical and empirical determination.

Białobłocki Krzysztof
“Special” lgbt parties and movements and their political strategies in european democracies.

Białobłocki Tomasz
Ethnic and political conditionality of the crimea annexation and hostilities in Eastern Donbas and national minorities in Ukraine attitudes towards them.

Białobłocki Zbigniew
Party and electoral indicators of cabinet stability in eastern european countries: general theoretical and empirical determination.

Hnatiuk Volodymir, Bula Svitlana
The concept of “local democracy” within the framework of the deployment of institutional and legal forms of local self- government: correlation, formalization and schematization of the main concepts.

Burdiak Viera
Policy making and implementation process in Ukraine on the way to democracy.

Butyrskaya Iryna
The republic of Bulgaria as the EU member: Scientific inquiry and findings.

Butyrskyi Andrii
General features of Ukrainian bankruptcy legislation.

Chornyak Zakhar
Analysis of the organizational structure transformation of the Labour party of United Kingdom.

Klymenko Darina
The Analysis of the problem of multiculturalism in the manifestos of ukrainian parties.

Katarzyna Krzywińska
Referendum in Swiss confederation.

Osadtsa Ivan
Use of anti-European and anti Euro-Atlantic rhetoric by Bulgarian ultranationalist party “Attack” in the parliamentary pre-election campaign of Republic of Bulgaria in 2005.

Panchak-Białobłocka Nadia
The evolution, essence and institutional determination of european parliamentary democracies.

Pavlik Elina
Manipulative technologies: nature and characteristics of the usage on the example of Parliamentary elections in 2014 in Lviv region.

Polishchuk Rostislav
Political identity in terms of transformation of Ukrainian society.

Romaniuk Anatoliy
Peculiarities of the 2015 Local Elections in Lviv Region.

Shveda Yuriy
Political parties in Ukraine: “electoral parties” or “voting machines”?

Slipetska Julia
Socio-political cleavages in Central and Eastern Europe (on the example of Poland).

Adam Rogala-Lewicki
Decision support systems in the process of political management.

Zelman Oksana
Personification leader in process of political communication.