Conceptualization and delimitation of the concepts of turnover, stability, variability and institutionalization of the legislatures.

Zbigniew Białobłocki

The article attempts to solve one of the problems of institutional Political Science, which is that modern research seldom appeals to the institution of parliament in the categories of its stability and efficiency, even though some scholars analyze different parameters of defining the institutional attributes of parliaments, including their variability and institutionalization. On this basis, the author put on the agenda of the study the issues of clarifying, filling in with the content and delimitation of some of the institutional attributes – stability, variability, dynamics and in- stitutionalization – of parliaments. As a result, some tendencies in the definition and significance of parliamentary dynamics and parliamentary variability were singled out and confirmed at the background of their separation from the stability and institutionalization of legislatures. The researcher proved that parliamentary dynamics in democratic countries is determined by both internal and external factors, including electoral volatility, type of electoral systems, and type of party systems and etc. It is also shown that parliamentary variability directly depends on the institutional and political changes that take place in relation to the nature of electoral institutions – types of electoral systems, frequency of elections, ability to run on different electoral lists, size of constituencies.