Vira Anatoliyvna Haponenko

PhD of Political Science, Associate Professor  in Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, the head of the Department of Political Technologies; 

Author of a book and numerous articles related to the sense and development of political institutes in democratic political systems. Particularly interested in the post-Soviet political system features and transformation.

Selected publications:

Systema instytutsiinykh chynnykiv politychnoi demokratyzatsii v Ukraini: monohrafiia. [The system of institutional factors of political democratization in Ukraine: monograph]. Kyiv: KNEU, 2020. 311, [1] c.

Hromadianska aktyvnist yak chynnyk demokratyzatsii suchasnoi politychnoi systemy v Ukraini. [Civic activity as a factor of democratization of the modern political system in Ukraine]. Evropský politický a právní diskurz. Volume 6. Issue 1. 2019. S. 82–86.

Neoinstytutsionalizm yak metod doslidzhennia demokratyzatsii politychnoi systemy Ukraini. [Neo-institutionalism as a method of studying the democratization of the political system of Ukraine]. Evropský politický a právní diskurz. Volume 6. Issue 3. 2019,s. 38–43.

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