Structuralization and comparison of electoral formulas for the election of collegial representative bodies of local government in the Visegrad group countries (as of 2018).

Cholovska Oleksandra

The notion of an electoral system has a broad meaning and includes a number of elements. Among them are an electoral formula, the number of mandates for a constituency, an electoral threshold, a structure of the ballot, an effective number of parties, an electoral variability, indicators of proportionality or disproportionality, attractiveness and substitution of electoral systems. At the same time, the article focuses on the concept of an electoral formula. Since it analyzes the electoral formulas used at local elections in the countries of the Visegrad Group. In particular, the author, in the context of comparing the electoral formulas, took into account such criteria as the ways of distribution of deputy mandates, the size/magnitude of electoral districts, the electoral threshold and the structure of the ballot.As a result, the researcher analyzed the electoral formulas for the election of collegial representative bodies of local government in the countries of the Visegrad Group.