Aneta Moszczyńska
The article is devoted to analyzing the content, nature and features of the concept of “ministerial stability”. The author considered the ways of influencing and interconnecting between ministerial and cabinet stability and highlighted the ways of analyzing ministerial stability. It was stated that ministerial reshuffles, ministerial turnover and ministerial stability explain and clarify cabinet stability, although they are directly dependent on the factors that determine cabinet stability. The study also noted that ministerial stability can be positioned as an independent factor in the study of cabinet activity, as it can independently answer the questions concerning the peculiarities of formation, functioning and responsibility of cabinets. Thus, the researcher found out that ministerial stability and ministerial reshuffles depend on such factors as the level of uncertainty in the choice of a potential official of a cabinet, the importance of political and technical expert skills of the future official, the degree of inter-ministerial trust in a cabinet, restrictions for appointments and dismissals of cabinet’s ministers. At the same time, ministerial stability is largely determined by the importance of different ministerial positions, which is crucial for both parties and individual politicians.