The framework, way of election, legitimacy and powers of presidents as institutional, procedural, political and behavioral attributes of the European semi-presidentialism.

Vitaliy Lytvyn

The article is dedicated to analyzing and comparing the president’s institution under the European semi-presidentialism, in particular in theoretical and empirical contexts. Based on the meth- odology of new institutionalism and behaviorism, the author researched the arbitrary nature and framework of the president’s institution in the European semi-presidentialism, in particular in historical, theoretical and methodological cuts. Special attention was paid to the problems of ways, features and consequences of presidential elections under the European semi-presidentialism. The study is also devoted to the issues of electoral and institutional specifics and logics of popular presidential legitimacy under the European semi-presidentialism. Finally, the article appeals to institutional, procedural, political and behavioral parameters of formal and actual powers and activism of presidents in the European semi-presidentialism. Generally, the scientist developed a complete and systematic view of the president’s institution under the European semi-presidentialism and argued the constant feasibility of the typology of the latter.