Sławomira Białobłocka
The article is dedicated to theoretical and practical analyzing the models of formation of coalition governments and cooperation of their participants in multiparty conditions. This was based on the pre-assumption that the rules and traditions served by coalitions ’protocoalitions’ partners in negotiating coalition governments are quite similar or organized under similar schemes and principles. And this is true in functional and macroscopic terms. However, in the course of the analysis it was stated that institutionally and non-institutionally coalition governments differ microscopically, in particular on the basis of the use of different models of formation and different mechanisms of cooperation of the participants. Thus, it was generalized that coalition governments need to be talked about in a diversified way, in particular through different approaches to explaining them and taking into account the different national specificities of their practical approbation. In one case, such governments are more predetermined by nominal rules and institutions, and in the other case they are predominantly dependent on party-determined factors.