Institutional and non-institutional preconditions and features of the origin and endogeneity of electoral systems: theoretical and methodological contexts.

Aneta Moszczyńska

The article is dedicated to theoretical and methodological outlining and analysis of institutional and non-institutional preconditions and features of the origin and endogeneity of electoral systems. It was stated that at the present stage of the development of Political Science this issue needs its “restoration”, “revival” or “renewal” given the fact that today, especially with the beginning of the “third wave” of democratization and the processes in contrast, including autocratisation of a number of countries of the world, there is a diversification of institutional and non-institutional factors, preconditions and features of the origin and endogeneity of electoral systems. The author found that the factors of the origin and endogeneity of electoral systems, on the one hand, should be divided into institutional and non-institutional ones, and on the other hand – into historical, political, social, economic, technocratic, external and accidental ones.