Graduate of Political Science at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2017), PhD of Political Science (2021), assistant in the Department of Political Science at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Areas of academic interest: subnational politics, subnational regime, subnational comparative method, objective and subjective techniques of measurement subnational level of politics.
Subnatsionalni politychni rezhymy v Ukraini na prykladi Zakarpatskoi, Lvivskoi ta Chernivetskoi oblastei u period 2010-2015 rr.: instytutsiine vymiriuvannia. [Subnational political regimes that’s in Ukraine on the example of Transcarpathian, Lviv and Chernivtsi regions in the period 2010-2015]: Naukovi zapysky Instytutu politychnykh i etnonatsionalnykh doslidzhen im. I. F. Kurasa NAN Ukrainy, 2019, 98(2), 126-154.
A History and Methodology of Research of the Subnational Topic in Political Science. Politologija, 2019, 96(4), 92-139.
Subnatsionalni politychni rezhymy v Ukraini na prykladi Zakarpatskoi, Lvivskoi i Chernivetskoi oblastei u 2015 r.: ekspertne (subiektyvne) vymiriuvannia. [Subnational political regimes in Ukraine on the example of the Transcarpathian, Lviv and Chernivtsi regions in 2015: expert (subjective) measurement]: Uzhhorodskyi natsionalnyi universytet. Rehionalni studii, 2020, 20(1), 7-11.
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