Peculiarities and varieties of the institution of monarchy and comparison of the powers of monarchs in european countries.

Michał Białobłocki

The article examines the peculiarities and varieties of the institution of monarchy, as well as offers a comparative analysis of the powers of formal and informal authority of monarchs in European countries. On this basis, it was checked whether the power of monarchs is a factor in the success and prosperity of monarchies. The author stated that there is no really strong monarch on the territory of Europe at the present stage, and almost all the countries considered are constitutional monarchies, where a monarch and his or her actions are significantly limited by constitution, traditions, laws, government and parliament. This is due to the fact that the heads of state in the democratic countries of Europe govern, but do not rule and do not manage, as well as instead perform nominal and symbolic roles. Oddly enough, this is one of the reasons for the success and prosperity of monarchies, although the hypothesis that the power of monarchs correlates with the development results and prosperity rating of certain states has not been directly proven.