The characteristics of the activities of modern political parties and the development of the party system in the republic of Bulgaria.

Vira Burdyak

The author proves that the first post-Communist party system of the Republic of Bulgaria underwent significant changes after the parliamentary elections of 2001. The right bloc was stratified; the transformation of the Bulgarian socialist party was completed, which led to the transition to a new party system. The second post-Communist party system, which was born as a multi-party system, has also undergone dynamic changes after the parliamentary elections in 2005 and 2009. Its evolution depends on new cleavages (that appeared and will appear), what will happen in the inner party relations, how it will affect the change in electoral preferences and party identification. The evolution of the party system is a long process, which is influenced by the new social structure of the society, its values, changes in the political culture of citizens and political class, as well as “political construction” due to changes in the electoral legislation and the electoral system in Bulgaria.